
Use cases

Use case layer is in charge of handle business logic.

  • Manages transaction
  • Manages executions dependent of committed transaction
  • Returns data to caller (i.e for API responses purposes)
  • Hides complexity
  • Allows nesting to DRY
  • Establishes events as the only way to propagate on_commit execution
from django_ontruck.use_cases import UseCaseBase
from .events import FooEvent
from .models import FooModel

class FooUseCase(UseCaseBase):

def execute_in_commit(self, command, executed_by=None):
    example = FooModel.objects.create(**command)
    return example

Events created will be published when outermost transaction is committed


Abstraction to decouple contexts wrapping django signals

from django.dispatch import Signal
from django_ontruck.events import EventBase

class FooEvent(EventBase):
    signal = Signal(['attr1'])

Check show_events command to List all events.

python manage.py show_events


Analogue to CQRS, a separation between the logic that writes (use cases) from the one that reads (queries).

class CountFooQuery(QueryBase):

    def execute(self, command, executed_by=None):
        text = command.get('title')
        return {'count': FooModel.objects.filter(title__contains=text).count()}


Base model to track some CRUD dates and author. Safe delete is implemented.

from django.db import models
from django_ontruck.models import BaseModel

class FooModel(BaseModel):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=50)

There is a BaseManager in order to filter deleted=False elements by default.

Define manager for your Queryset

FooManager = BaseManager.from_queryset(QuerySet)

Set managers including deleted elements or not

class FooModel(BaseModel):
    objects = FooManager(include_deleted=False)
    objects_all = FooManager(include_deleted=True)


Base classes to notify events to 3rd party systems like Slack, Segment, etc.

from django.db import models
from django_ontruck.notifiers.segment import SegmentNotifier
from django_ontruck.notifiers import AsyncNotifier

class FooNotifier(segmentNotifier):
    async_class = AsyncNotifier
    event_id = 'test_event'


Collections of DRF views extended to fit with BaseModel and UseCases

Value Objects

Objects for which equality is determined by their attributes as opposed to by identity. That is, they are fungible: one instance of an object can be swapped for any other instance as long as their attributes are the same (much like coins, or stamps.)


The Money class represents a monetary value together with its currency.

  • The value is stored without rounding until the allocate method is invoked. How rounding is performed depends on the currency.
from django_ontruck.value_objects.money import euros, pounds, Currencies, money, Currency

# commonly used currencies have their own helpers:
two_euros = euros('2.00')  # 50.00 €
one_hundred_pounds = pounds('100.00') # £100.00

# Other currencies can be created using the `money` helper and the currency
twenty_zloty = money(Currencies.PLN, '20')

# Any missing currencies can be created
alt = Currency('ALT', 'Altarian Dollars', '$')
one_altarian_dollar = money(alt, '1')

# We can apply arithmetic operations and the value is stored without rounding.
divided = two_euros / 3
divided.amount  # Decimal('0.6666666666666666666666666667'))

# We can round the value (according to the currency) using `allocate`
divided.allocate().amount  # Decimal('0.67'))


Utils for testing.

Patch transactions and run transaction.on_commit

After last transaction inside test is exit

Create a fixture

def _run_on_commit_callbacks(request):
    marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("run_on_commit_callbacks")

    if marker:
        with PatchedAtomic():

Mark your tests you want to use it

def test_use_case_post_commit(self, mocker, foo_use_case):
    mock_event_send = mocker.patch('django_ontruck.events.EventBase.send')


List all events

Show all events defined in each app and handlers connected.

python manage.py show_events

App template

Start app with directory/files structure.

python manage.py startontruckapp appname


We provide an implementation of useful monads.


Result monad is used to encapsulate return results whenever they are sucessful or not in order to treat the responses like a streamlined pipeline.